Make The Best Wine Choices With These Tips
Wine is not only a beverage; it is also a complex world. If you’d like to select the ideal bottle of wine, you’ve got to educate yourself on the subject. This article will be the start you need to becoming a wine expert.
If you are having seafood at dinner, Pinot Grigio goes really well with it. The flavor of this dish is enhanced by the wine. There are other white wines that go great with seafood, too. Seafood along with white wine are great and can make any meal a real treat.
The next time you need to clean up a wine stain, grab some Windex. It can get rid of the problem almost right away, and it is much more effective than simply using soap and water. Attack the stain as soon as you can, because if you wait too long, the stain will set in.
Storing your wine properly preserves its flavor. Extreme temperatures could hurt the taste of your wine. Around 50-55 degrees is the optimum temperature for wine storage. Your basement might work, or buy a fridge for just wine.
Consider joining a wine lover’s discussion forum. Also, you can speak with people who have a passion for wine. First, take the time to read a few threads to see if this is your sort of community.
Don’t be afraid of sulfite warnings. While any wine contains sulfites, only those bottled in America must make note of this on the label. Some people might be allergic to slufates in wine, but do not worry if you havent ever had a reaction.
If you are going tailgating, look for wine with a screw top. These tops are much easier to remove than the standard corks. They also re-seal with ease after the event is done, where a cork does not provide as secure a seal.
It’s important to understand that not all wines will age well over time. You will need to research the type of wine that you have and the longevity that it will stay useful, even in the best conditions. Bordeaux is a wine that often ages well.
Keep a variety of wines in your collection. Red wine won’t do it for everything. You can be the best host if you are able to offer white, red and sparkling wine to your guests.
Color does not reflect the lightness of a wine. The level of alcohol in the wine is not specific to its color (white or red). However, white wines usually taste a lot smoother. If a light wine is really what you are looking for, your best bet is likely a nice Pinot Grigio.
Choose wines you know you love. Restaurants, bars, and stores may promote certain brands of wine, especially ones that are related to celebrities. These are generally priced much higher then they should be. A costly glass does not equal a better wine. Pick a wine that you like and don’t fall for the hype.
Vintage refers to the year when a wine’s grapes were harvested, not when the wine was produced. If a label states “2010” on the label, that can mean the grapes were harvested in the fall of that year. The grapes are then fermented in barrels, aging until it’s time to bottle the wine for sale. Most of the time it is not until the following year that the wine actually makes it to the retail world.
Be true to your own preferences when it comes to wine. Some say that the single best wine is the one you like. Always live by that simple rule. Your tastes are your tastes, and a wine you like may be different than another’s favorite. The bright side of a friend not liking one of your wine choices…more wine for you!
If you are new to wine, learning about all the different types of wine can be extremely overwhelming. You can learn the basics in no time, then spend the rest of your life honing your wine selecting and tasting skills. Use this information to have some great wine in the future.
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